Work Package for Applicants

There is a PDF version of this document available.


Use the definitions from table 1 for replacements in commands:

table 1 Placeholders and replacements
Placeholder Replacement
@user-index@ 1, 2, …
@offset@ 50 + @user-index@, i.e. 51, 52, …
@user@ applicant@user-index@
@passwd@ see VNC password in README-vnc.html


Task specification for building a minimal Python web application using specific tools and build environment.

The emphasis of this test is on documentation and review workflow, the functionality is secondary.

You are expected to complete the project

  • with an incomplete draft specification (the required documentation is both design and user manual)
  • incrementally in an environment with a version control system (Mercurial) and review tool (Kallithea)
  • in a design/review/implementation/review cycle
  • according to defined procedural standards, which are not optional (i.e. consult the provided documentation)

